Tuesday, January 21, 2020

All My Hard Work at Risk

Greetings all! I know I'm suppose to be writing for my book, but I want to go off course for a moment to tell you all that I have completed this year with many accomplishments and hope that one small issue doesn't jeopardize all my hard work.

One of the best things is I finished a semester at Ashland University. I took Economics, English and Business Management. I also completed the Edwins cooking class with a B average. Economics with a B and English with a B+.I completed the Haccp Food Safety program with an A. I will complete The Customer Service Class next month. I completed the Photovoltiacs course-Solar Panel Installment, and I will have completed Phase 4 of Reintegration once I complete my 180 hours of community service. You can see some of my certificates on my website. And I started the two year Janitorial Apprenticeship in September, but I probably won't complete that because I'm down to 18 months before I see the Parole Board.

Things at this prison were rolling along pretty good until recently. On top of everything I was doing with classes, I was facilitating sessions for Tyro Dads. It's a part of The Ridge Program, an "outside the walls" program for guys getting out of prison. I sit on the board. So I am forever busy. No time to get in trouble. I do the right thing...until one time I didn't. 

One day I got off my bed and walked to the wall and back before count cleared. I was not suppose to be off my bed, but I have this problem with diabetic neuropathy. It makes your feet burn really bad and the only thing to help is to walk on them. Well, a Sargent was looking to write conduct reports and it just happened to be that day I was off the bed.This man knows I go out of my way not to break the rules. I even work for him in the janitorial program. He knows I can't go in front of the parole board with even this minor write up. My last minor write ups were for painting the tip of my boot after I spilled oil on my brand new boots and for having 18 candy bars and butter without my receipt. I got 3 additional years for that! 

So yes, this scares me, for what they might do this next time. I tried to go through the chain of command to see if I may could get a little compassion.This is suppose to be reintegration.They are suppose to be helping us get ready for society. First, the Sargent told me there was nothing he can do even though he was the one who wrote the ticket. I asked the next level of command if there anything I could do, such as community service or something to make this go away. He basically told me he didn't care and that the ticket sticks. I asked if could I appeal it and he said no. Later I saw the warden walking the yard and approached him about it and he referred me to the Unit Manager who told me it was out of her hands because it was already in the computer, which was a lie. When I told her the Warden's Assistant told me she could, she got really angry and said, "You shouldn't have broken any rules."

All the good work I've done here don't mean anything now.That ticket can hurt me really bad and no one cares.

I plan to leave this place. Hopefully sometime soon, I will be writing to you from a different prison and 18 months from now, I'll be Home.

Hope your 2020 is off to a good start.

Peace and Blessings,

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