Monday, June 8, 2015

I love the Yard

I work recreation, which is one of the better jobs here. Everyday it puts me outside, gives me access to everyone on a daily basis. What does it mean to work recreation? It means a few things.First it gives me access to all the recreation,three two hour periods per day, regardless of which pods are at rec, so I can basically spend all day, morning and afternoon in rec, with access to everybody here except 3B inmates. I’m a 3A inmate. To be a 3A inmate you have to keep it clean, and everybody has different jobs.

I started out sweeping and mopping the inside gym. I moved up to taking care of windows walls and drinking fountains in the office area. Now I got raised up again to program aide where I get to run tournaments for all the other inmates. But I’m on the bottom rung of this position, as most of the big things like baseball,basketball,football are already covered. So I get to run things like horseshoes and bocci ball. These games are for prizes so most every guy will play. Guys are leaving here daily so I will eventually find my way into the bigger stuff, but right now I'm good with how it is. It takes me 20 minutes twice a week to do the windows and walls and the rest of my time is free to just be at recreation doing whatever I please.

The rec yard is huge. Picture a football field, two full court basketball courts, two baseball fields, a volleyball court, with extended areas for just sitting out in the grass out of the way. The track is on the outer realm of the rec yard . They say that 760 steps, five times around is 2 miles. Good or bad day you can just walk and walk. In the summer, we have at least 3 pods out—with 124 guys in a pod. Even with all of us out there, we each still have room to move in our own space. 

I love the yard—which is why I made sure I got a rec job. I wasn't here a month and I got the job over guys who had been waiting years to get the job. That I came from death row helped and that I was older helped.They want older guys who have some sense, to deal with the others. I basically just stay in my lane and I'm fine. I get along with everybody; staff and inmates, just by being respectful. Most address me as Mr.Tyler, and I’ll keep it like that for the rest of my time here. 

Next April 2016 I will go back in front of the parole board with the hope that it is my last year in prison:clean of tickets, clean of any trouble.The first year went really well and all I need to do is stay on this path. Hopefully they will let me come home.

It's beautiful weather here right now. I’m on my way out to rec!