Tuesday, October 24, 2017

A Letter to All the 12 Year Olds Out There...Good comes from Good and Bad comes from Bad

I was asked by a friend of mine to write a letter to all the 12 year old boys out there. I really have no idea what to write. I didn't know how to start it and I didn't even think I had anything they would want to hear. And why should they? What do I have to tell them? Then I thought, I have much to tell them! After what I've done. Where I have been. What I've seen. I can tell them not to do what I did. Not to come here, so they don't have to see and experience everything I have over these 34 years.

Dear 12 year-old,

     I may be innocent of what they put me here, but I didn't follow the rules and I didn't follow directions. It created a path I never want another to follow. So first thing you should know-, enjoy being a kid! Enjoy the growth you are about to go through. You are in a place they call tween; between being a kid and teenager.You are in a special place. Still dreaming. Still in awe and still curious. Still realizing your importance. And you are important to this world! 

     Next thing you should know-good or bad, your decisions now will have an impact on your world, and the path you set will be your journey.Knowing right from wrong,how you treat people, being respectful, being a good person, following directions and the rules of society, will keep on the right path.Some of you will be fighters, and will fight to right wrongs of the world. I applaud you. Some of you will be doctors, lawyers, or teachers. A worthy pursuit. That's the fun part of it. Right now you can choose to become anything you want to be. And with the proper direction, you will. It will come. 

     You already know the difference between a good and bad direction. If I took you to a cliff and told you jump,you know that's not a direction you should go. Anything that will bring you harm is never a good direction to go.The same with following the rules.If your Mom tells you to make your bed, and that is one of her rules, you know she will be happy if you do it and unhappy if you don't. Good never comes from breaking the rules.You are learning all this now. Good comes from good and bad comes from bad.

     Please know that at 12 years old, you are making decisions that will follow you through your life. As important as that is, don't grow up too fast. When its time to make your impact on this world, you will...And it will be a grand impact. I don't want you to ever feel what you do now and throughout your life won't be important. Everything you do will be important. You are important. Don't ever allow anyone to tell you you can't do something. Don't ever allow anyone to distract you from what you want to be.Do not be afraid to take on what you want to take on.The world is your stage. Your life is your dance. And I hope you always dance...


Someone who cares...Arthur