Friday, January 26, 2018

New Year-New You?

Greetings all,

It's been a while since our last chat, so here I am. A new year, a new place in time, and for most of you, a new you. I always wondered why most of us think with a new year there has to be a new you. As if last year's you wasn't good? Being better is good, but just being you is best I think.

I did well with everything this last year. My anger, my patience, my giving. I picked up on daily Bible reading, and praying and meditating. My "Anger, Power, Violence and Drugs" class is going great. More about that another time! And I have the best of friends. I liked the last year me!

The biggest thing to happen in 2017 was the parole board's decision. They again recommended that I be eligible for parole, which I thought would have me home by now. So, in this year I do hope to be home, just as me, because the me I am now is a really good me!

When I look back and examine my life, I'm as rich as I can get. I have so many of my needs and wants, other than my freedom, met. I have a love for people and people have a love for me. I have God front and center. All that's left is to come home and do all I plan to do. See, I made my big change long ago. I don't have to change with each coming year, I just need to do what I'm suppose to do, and embrace the riches already in my life.

I was asked when I find myself taking one step forward and two steps back, how do I recommit to the path I know I want to be on? Easy. I just never take one step forward, without looking to see if there is a possibility that something could stop my progress for a moment. Had I done so, I wouldn't be where I am now. 

I trust all is well with everyone. I hope and pray my next blog will be from the outside rather than the inside.

Have a beautiful day.
