Monday, April 5, 2021

My Heart is Full

To my Family of supporters,

Before the last 20 years I use to think that people just didn't really care. I sat in this prison with a lot of anger and frustration wondering, why me. A friend told me once no matter how hard the journey if you just believe, God will see you through. My sister reminds me daily don't forget God willing. Our journey sometimes will hold steps we never knew were coming, and even though we don't know it's direction, we still have to take them anyway. And I applaud those of you who chose to walk my journey with me. God willing, we are at the end of this. 

And I say we because of each little thing, be it a tear or a prayer that you offered, we made it. And not to name names, but a special thank you to Wendy, Francine, Christine, Heather, Ian, Maryann, Mary, Paul, Dagmar, Kathy, Vicki, Donetta, Tim and Beverly, Deborah, Tom and Carolyn, Charlie and Maria, Maryellen and Michael, Casey, and countless others who have come and gone, and all those I would be here forever trying to name, as well as the new people who are just now joining!

You are a beautiful people. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I consider you all family as I lost most of my family in these years sitting here. And I look forward to getting to know you all once I get out there with you...God willing. 

God really does bless and I do believe in prayer. You are the evidence of that. God Bless you and keep you.
